5 Questions to Ask When Choosing an Orthodontist

Did you attend a full-time accredited orthodontics residency?

Will you create a smile for me that will best match my face?

Will you improve both my smile and my bite?

Have you treated many patients with cases similar to mine?

Will there be other doctors treating me throughout my treatment?

Orthodontists are dentists who completed dental school training and an additional three years of residency training focused entirely on straightening teeth and correcting bites.

Absolutely. In addition to analyzing teeth, orthodontists are extremely detailed when formulating a treatment plan to match each patient's face type.

Yes. Orthodontists are dental specialists who will create a spectacular smile as well as a healthy bite for every patient.

The only focus of our office is orthodontics, smile and bite correction, with cases ranging from simple to most complex.

Absolutely not. Dr. Chris Chen is the only doctor. Unlike corporation-owned offices where the doctor may change from appointment to appointment, Dr. Chen and well-trained staff oversee all treatment from start to finish.